Recurse Center

Your application

Eugine Ochung

You submitted this application on , to the Winter 1, 2023 batch. You can see the status of your application here.

Code CracklePop

for num in range(1, 101):
    if num % 3 == 0 and num % 5 == 0:
    elif num % 3 == 0:
    elif num % 5 == 0:

Please link to a program you've written from scratch.

What is the most fascinating thing you've learned in the past month?

What is the most fascinating thing you've learned in the past month?
The most fascinating thing I have learning this month is on django-channels. I came across django-channels when II was in the process of building an on-demand delivery platform whereby an order is published to all nearby riders. Django Channels can be used to to develop real-time, dynamically updated applications that can work asynchronously by extending Django's HTTP abilities. Channels allows you to use WebSockets and other non-HTTP protocols in your Django site. For example you might want to use WebSockets to allow a page on your site to immediately receive updates from your Django server without using HTTP long-polling or other expensive techniques. You can also use channels to build a real-time tic-tac toe game

What do you want to be doing in two years?

In two years time, I want to have advanced into software engineer lead role where I can guide a team of software developers while leading a high-imapact software development project. Finally I also want to able to be a mentor to aspiring junior software engineers to help them develop their technology skills

Why do you want to attend RC? How would attending RC be different than working on your own?

First and Foremost, I believe being in RC will not only improve my programming skills but will also enhance my personal growth.
In terms of my technical skills , by being part of RC, I will be able to get feedback from great minds, whether from code reviews or through pair programming. As a person who is aiming for mastery of my craft, it is very important to get constant feedback on my work and code, either a good or bad one.

Secondly ,There are many benefits to having a fantastic community around you,B  .Rather than learning alone, where I will deprive myself of potentially great collaborators and interactions, by immersing myself in a community, I will get the chance to learn from the overall group, mining the wisdom of several people and helping each other out along the way. Also If someone is stuck with a frustrating problem or having a bad day just chatting with like-minded people about this and that is a good way to relief some of the negative feelings . That, combined with seeing other people working on their projects, can be a tremendous boost for your own progress. At the best, being part of a group like RC provides social connections, friendship, practical and emotional support

What would you like to work on at RC?

The major thing I would like to work on understanding data structures and algorithms. Being more knowledgeable about DSA will definitely improve my programming and enhance my understanding of the software development process. I am currently learning Go language and I would love to use my time at RC to contribute to opensource Go projects.

Describe your programming background in a few sentences.

I have 4 years programming experience mainly in javascript and python

Have you worked professionally as a programmer?

Yes, I have three years experience working as programmer in both start-ups and open-source community

Do you have a Computer Science degree or are you seeking one?


What other commitments (work, life, family) would you have during your batch?


How did you first hear about RC?

  • Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)


How long ago did you first hear about RC?

  • 1-3 months ago

What convinced you to apply today?

  • I'm ready for a professional sabbatical

